Hello friends. I’m back! I know it has been a long time since my last post, but I have been super busy with my family in Peru. I traveled to help my mom move from her house (where she lived for almost 40 years) to her new apartment. It was a very exhausting process emotionally and physically. As you know, my mom has dementia, which is getting worse little by little, she does not have the capacity to remember anything anymore and living in such a big house for just her and her caregivers was too much for her to handle. Now, she has a smaller place where she feels happy and secure.
Also, you might ask, what happened to my dad? To make this story short, my dad’s health has been declining fast during the last year to a point that I could not even sleep thinking that he might fall or that he was going to hurt himself or someone in the house. Having one full time caregiver was not enough anymore, the house was not safe for him, so I had to make the hard decision to place my dad into a geriatric clinic, I don’t like it to call it a “home” or “assisted living”. I found the perfect place for him and like I called it “clinic” because it is really a clinic. They just accept patients that needs help for everything (like my dad), they have nurses, doctors, and everything you could think of. How is he doing? He is ok, he has deteriorated for sure, not because of the care he gets, but because he does not want to walk anymore.
So yes, I’ve been very busy, and I just want to rest and catch up with my sleep. I want to start baking which you know is my therapy and makes me feel happy. I’m happy to be back home with my hubby and dogs.
Ok, so now let’s talk about this recipe. I know Easter is this week and since I moved to USA, Easter changed for me. In Peru, the whole week of Easter is more “special” and more religious. We do not eat ham or red meat; we eat fish and Easter eggs were not really a thing growing up. BUT, I find it really interesting and cute that here you can find a lot of easter eggs, decoration, chocolate rabbits, etc. etc.
Because this is my first bake after a couple of months, I decided to make something simple but cute for Easter. These bars have vanilla, eggs, butter, chocolate chips just like cookies and they are topped with festive mini eggs.
Let’s start with the recipe, and if you would like to see how I made them, do not forget to visit me on Instagram @pastry_tales
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