Vanilla Flan







This classic dessert is always a favorite in my house. In my recipe, I give you all the tricks and tips to achieve the perfect caramel and custard. Smooth and silky perfect for any celebration. No more flans that won’t come out of the pan or broken side/edges or burnt caramel, this recipe is perfect! Also, check out my stories on Instagram so you can see the step by step of this flan.

I decided to make this dessert in contribution for the collab i’m hosting today #cincodemayocollabfriends2023 . Don’t forget to click on the # so you can see all the delicious treats my friends made.

If you would like to see how I made this flan, visit my Instagram page @pastry_tales

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Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars

Hello friends. I’m back! I know it has been a long time since my last post, but I have been super busy with my family in Peru. I traveled to help my mom move from her house (where she lived for almost 40 years) to her new apartment. It was a very exhausting process emotionally and physically. As you know, my mom has dementia, which is getting worse little by little, she does not have the capacity to remember anything anymore and living in such a big house for just her and her caregivers was too much for her to handle. Now, she has a smaller place where she feels happy and secure.

Also, you might ask, what happened to my dad? To make this story short, my dad’s health has been declining fast during the last year to a point that I could not even sleep thinking that he might fall or that he was going to hurt himself or someone in the house. Having one full time caregiver was not enough anymore, the house was not safe for him, so I had to make the hard decision to place my dad into a geriatric clinic, I don’t like it to call it a “home” or “assisted living”. I found the perfect place for him and like I called it “clinic” because it is really a clinic. They just accept patients that needs help for everything (like my dad), they have nurses, doctors, and everything you could think of. How is he doing? He is ok, he has deteriorated for sure, not because of the care he gets, but because he does not want to walk anymore.

So yes, I’ve been very busy, and I just want to rest and catch up with my sleep. I want to start baking which you know is my therapy and makes me feel happy. I’m happy to be back home with my hubby and dogs.

Ok, so now let’s talk about this recipe. I know Easter is this week and since I moved to USA, Easter changed for me. In Peru, the whole week of Easter is more “special” and more religious. We do not eat ham or red meat; we eat fish and Easter eggs were not really a thing growing up. BUT, I find it really interesting and cute that here you can find a lot of easter eggs, decoration, chocolate rabbits, etc. etc.

Because this is my first bake after a couple of months, I decided to make something simple but cute for Easter. These bars have vanilla, eggs, butter, chocolate chips just like cookies and they are topped with festive mini eggs.

Let’s start with the recipe, and if you would like to see how I made them, do not forget to visit me on Instagram @pastry_tales

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Best Orange Loaf

Happy Monday! I bought some oranges last week and last night they were looking a bit sad, so I decided to bake something quick before they turn bad. This cake is perfect if you want a quick and easy bake. It has orange juice and zest which give a nice citrus flavor. Also, I am showing you how to make that nice line on top that bakery loaves have: you just need melted butter and a knife.

Let’s start with the recipe and if you would like to watch how I made this loaf, visit me on Instagram @pastry_tales

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Mocha Cupcakes


Happy 2023! I hope this new year is fulfilled with better things for all of us. I have been MIA for the last 2 weeks of 2022 because the holidays hit in a different way to me. It was the first holidays that my dad was not at home, covid hit my mother’s caregiver and we were all afraid that my mom gets it, but thanks God that she did not. So, as you can understand my holidays were quiet at home with my husband and my dogs. I baked some cookies and made special dinner for Christmas and New Year’s Eve; we watched the ball dropped but that was “different” comparing to other years.

Also, I’m getting ready to travel to Peru sometime next month because we just sold my parents’ house, and we are in the process of buying a smaller place for my mom to live with her caregiver. I’ll be going to help with the move and to make it as smooth as possible for my mom due to her Alzheimer’s which has been progressing a little lately. I will be there for about a month or maybe more, and it will be exhausting for sure, but it is what it is, so I have to tough it up and keep going with this “special” journey with my parents.

My 40th birthday is next Saturday (January 14th) and really, I don’t have any special plans. I would have loved to maybe go on a trip with my husband or do something fun but because of everything going on I might just go to dinner or maybe brunch.

Before I forget, for my birthday this year, I’m asking for donations to Alzheimer’s Association. I’ve chosen this nonprofit because their mission means a lot to me, and I hope you’ll consider contributing as a way to celebrate with me. Every little bit will help me reach my goal. You can donate HERE.

Anyway, those are my updates and now it’s time to talk about my first recipe of 2023. Because my birthday is next week, I decided to create these cupcakes that have mocha flavor which is one of my favorites for sure. These mini cakes have chocolate and espresso, soft and fudgy. The frosting is a light and delicate chocolate espresso buttercream that is perfect for this kind of cupcakes.

Let’s start baking and if you would like to watch how I made these, don’t forget to visit on Instagram @pastry_tales

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Walnut Spiced Linzer Cookies With Homemade Mulled Wine Jelly

Christmas is next week and I haven’t be able to take these cookies out of my mind. Linzer cookies are so pretty and they are pretty flexible with what ingredients you use for the cookie dough and the filling.

Today, I’m showing you how to make the cookie part with toasted walnuts, flour, butter, ground cinnamon and ginger. The filling is a homemade mulled wine jelly which is the perfect flavor for this time of the year. Even if you are not a wine drinker, you will love this jelly plus your house will smell lovely with all the mulling spice.

If you would like to see how I made these cookies, visit me on Instagram @pastry_tales

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Best Gingerbread Loaf


I was not a fan of gingerbread flavor, but I changed my mind after I made this delicious cake that screams Christmas in every bite! Texas is starting to cool off (a bit, not much really) and it has been a good excuse to turn on my oven and start making Christmas treats to enjoy my favorite Christmas movies. This gingerbread loaf is perfect for a chilly morning. This cake does not have molasses like other recipes, but I added candied ginger which makes the bread tastier!

There is no trick for this recipe. Just one thing to remember when you make the icing/frosting: Use cold cream cheese not room temperature. Using cold cream cheese will make your frosting perfect and not runny.

Video of this recipe and other Christmas recipes are posted on my Instagram. Click HERE.

Let’s start baking and if you make this, let me know!

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Peppermint Mocha Cookies

Welcome December and cookie season! How is everyone doing? Are you ready for Christmas baking? I’m so ready! Here is a new cookie recipe that you can add to your baking list that is kid friendly, perfect for a cookie swap or just to indulge yourself while watching a Christmas movie.

These cookies have a strong chocolate flavor because I’m using dark cocoa powder and espresso. For the peppermint part, I decided to use peppermint extract, chopped candy canes and make a light drizzle on top with a peppermint flavored chocolate coating.

These cookies need chilling time in the fridge so do not skip this step.

Let’s start with the recipe and if you would like to watch how I made them, don’t forget to follow me on Instagram @pastry_tales

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Peppermint Mocha Linzer Cookies

Peppermint Mocha is one of my favorite drinks during the holidays. Also, Linzer cookies are one of my favorite treats to eat during Christmas time. Linzer cookies are usually made with some kind of nut and filled with fruit jam. I created a new version using a chocolate cookie dough and the filling is a delicious peppermint buttercream that will met in your mouth.

Let’s start with the recipe and if you would like to see how I made these, visit me on Instagram @pastry_tales

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Peanut Butter Cookies With Maple Glaze

It’s Christmas time (because Mariah Carey says so… lol) so I’m starting my Holiday baking with cookies that I love to have when I make my cookie boxes for Christmas. These cookies have been a hit during the years and I always have people on social media asking for the recipe, that is why I just made them so I can create a reel (video) for Instagram so you can all see how easy is to make them.

Let me tell you about this cookie… My husband (Steve)  gives me great ideas of different things to bake. One day he said: “Why don’t you make a Peanut Butter Cookie with a Maple Glaze”? I was like … mmm.. that might work… but I had a doubt about how to make this glaze… it had to be a glaze that kinda gets a bit hard so it is easy to eat and does’t make a mess, right? Oh well.. I gave it a try and the result was perfect.

If you would like to watch how I made these cookies, don’t forget to visit me on Instagram @pastry_tales

Let’s start with the recipe.

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Haunted Manor (Pumpkin Bundt Cake)

I love Bundt cake pans and last year my sister-in-law (Nancey) gifted me this spooky pan which I haven’t used until now. It has the shape of a haunted house/manor which is perfect to celebrate Halloween.

The cake flavor is pumpkin spice and has a different texture than my pumpkin bread because it has less moisture. The flavor of this cake is on point, you can taste pumpkin and spices but won’t be too much, even people who does not like pumpkin treats will love this.

You can decorate it in any way you like so use your imagination.

In case you don’t want to get this special haunted house cake pan, you can use any other cake pan you might have at home.

Let’s start with the recipe and if you would like to see how I made this cake, visit me on Instagram @pastry_tales

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